About EWIS
Since its inception in 2014, East West International School (CBSE No: 830824) has thrived under
the leadership of Smt. Chitrakala Nagaraj, Chairperson, along with Shri C N Shashikiran,
Secretary, and Smt. Mamatha Shashikiran, Joint Secretary. Their dynamic guidance has
fostered a vibrant learning environment, emphasizing the importance of both academic
excellence and holistic development for students.

Shri C M Nagaraj
- Our Founder
Late Shri. C M Nagaraj, Founder Chairman of East West Institutions & Former Mayor of BBMP deserves the due respect of immortals for he lives and reigns in the hearts of many through his service and passion by education. He founded East West Institutions in 1968 with an extreme vision to propose quality based technical education to those who were depressed due to poverty, social status and many other causes.
He had commissioned to bring equal opportunity for students who come from rural background. Though he could intensely forecast the less advantaged aspects of establishing an institution in rural setting, he vowed to start one in a peaceful place far away from the hustle and bustle of city. And today, the institution has become a treasure house of knowledge to thousands of enthusiastic student community across the globe.
Vivekananda Prabhu
- CEO & Principal

The mission of EAST WEST INSTITUTIONS is to support individuals from a young age and
throughout their lives by offering opportunities to make informed choices about their life
direction, career, and educational pathways. We are dedicated to providing an international
standard of education that equips children with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in
the 21st century, fostering lifelong learners who are prepared to meet future challenges with
confidence and adaptability
Learning transfers to life beyond the school experience, enabling each student to flourish as a
responsible citizen in the global community